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- Pedagogies of Engagement: Cooperative Learning, Challenge-Based Learning (especially Problem-Based Learning) and Constructive Controversy
- Smith, K.A. & Felder, R.M. 2023. Cooperative Learning in Engineering Education: The Story of an Ongoing Uphill Climb. In Robyn Gillies, Barbara Millis, and Neil Davidson, eds. Contemporary Global Perspectives on Cooperative Learning Draft
- Tjosvold, D., Druckman, D., Johnson, R. T., Smith, K. A., & Roseth, C. (2020). Valuing cooperation and constructive controversy: A tribute to David W. Johnson. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 13(4), 343–362.
- Cheruvelil, Kendra Spence, De Palma-Dow, Angela, & Smith, Karl A. (2020) Strategies to Promote Effective Student Research Teams in Undergraduate Biology Labs. The American Biology Teacher 1 January 2020; 82 (1): 18–27. doi:
- Johnson, D.W., Johnson, R.T. & Smith, K.A. (2014). Cooperative Learning: Improving University Instruction By Basing Practice On Validated Theory – draft. In Davidson, N., Major, C., & Michaelsen, L. (Eds.). (2014). Small-group learning in higher education: Cooperative, collaborative, problem-based, and team-based learning. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 25(4). [Johnson-Johnson-Smith-Cooperative_Learning-JECT-Small_Group_Learning-draft.pdf] Final []
- Smith, KA.., Matusovich, H. & Zho, T.X.P. 2013.Constructive Controversy in Engineering Undergraduate, Masters, Doctorate, and Professional Settings. Prepared for A. Vollmer, M. Dick and T. Wehner (Eds.), Innovation as a social process: Constructive controversy – a method for conflict management. [Smith-Matusovich-Zho-Constructive_Controversy_Engineering_Education-2013.pdf]
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- Smith, K.A., Sheppard, S.D., Johnson, D.W. and Johnson. R.T. 2005. Pedagogies of Engagement: Classroom-based Practices (cooperative learning and problem-based learning). Journal of Engineering Education, 94: 87–101 [Smith-Pedagogies_of_Engagement.pdf]
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- Engineering Education Research and Innovation (EER&I) and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
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- Chavela Guerra, R., Smith, K.A. McKenna, A.F., Swan, C., Korte, R., Jordan, S., Lande, M. and McNeal, R. 2014. Innovation Corps for Learning: Evidence-based Entrepreneurship™ to Improve (STEM) Education. ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. [I-Corps-L WIP FIE 2014.pdf]
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- Gary Lichtenstein, Helen L. Chen, Karl A. Smith, and Theresa A. Maldonado (2013). Retention and Persistence of Women and Minorities Along the Engineering Pathway in the United States [Lichtenstein-Chen-Smith-Maldonado-CHEER-Ch16-Johri_Olds-Draft-8-8-13.pdf]
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- Feature Articles