Cooperative Learning Workshop Resources

Cooperative Learning Workshop Handout

  1. Introduction to cooperative learning [Intro-ACL604.ppt]
    Key elements of cooperative learning (CL) [CLHks.pdf]
    Active/Cooperative learning (ACL) – Foundation Coalition [ACL_One_Page_Introduction_v18.pdf]
  2. Articles: Cooperative learning returns to college: What evidence is there
    that it works? Change, 1998, 30 (4), 26-35. Going deeper: Formal small-group
    learning in large classes. Energizing large classes: From small groups to
    learning communities. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2000, 81,
    25-46. [CLReturnstoCollege.pdf,
  3. Formal Cooperative Learning [FormalCL604.ppt]
    Cooperative jigsaw [cljigsawbr603.ppt,
    cljiginf.doc, cljigformal.doc,
    Further Reading – Cooperative learning: Making “groupwork”
    work. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 1996, 67, 71-82. [NDTLCL5.doc]
  4. Cooperative inquiry
    Further Reading — Inquiry in large classes. Reshaping undergraduate science
    and engineering education: Tools for better learning. 1999, Sigma Xi Forum
    Proceedings, 53-64. [clinquiry600.pdf]
  5. Problem-based cooperative learning [CL-PBL504.ppt]
    Further Reading — Building models to solve problems. Teaching critical thinking:
    Reports from across the curriculum. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1993,
    254-263. [Modeling Engineering
  6. Cooperative learning and the new paradigm for engineering education. ABET
    Annual Conference Proceedings, 1999. [abet1099.pdf]
  7. Cooperative comprehension/interpretation [clcompchoice604.ppt]
  8. Design/Redesign/Improvement of cooperative learning materials and strategies
    Course Design Notes [DesignEngCourse.doc,
    PBL-403-References.doc, PBL-Groups.doc,
    PBL-guidelines for
    student teams.doc
    Planning Forms
  9. Problem identification and problem solving [clprobsolv.ppt]
  10. Advice for starting out/Resources [advice4.doc,
  11. Sisyphus slides [sisphyus2.pdf]